Ohio EventOhio Reenactments

Enjoy a Traditional Thanksgiving Feast with President Lincoln

BATH, Ohio – The story behind the national holiday of Thanksgiving is told by President Abraham Lincoln, over a traditional dinner on November 18 at Hale Farm & Village. Beginning at 3:30 pm guests will enjoy a classic Thanksgiving feast including turkey, gravy, pumpkin pie and all the fixings.

President Lincoln’s historic proclamation closed government offices and set aside the last Thursday of November as “a day of Thanksgiving and Praise” across the United States. Educators and costumed interpreters will be on-hand all evening to delight visitors with stories of the holiday and music of the time period.

“Thanksgiving is a celebration deeply rooted in the timeline of American history and at Hale Farm & Village, we are excited to honor that celebration and the man who made it a nationalholiday, President Abraham Lincoln,” said Kelly Falcone-Hall, CEO of Western Reserve Historical Society. “Knowing the story behind the holiday gives it an entirely new meaning to families and provides us with another opportunity to share the stories of America and Northeast Ohio at Hale Farm & Village.”

Attendance at Thanksgiving Dinner with Abraham Lincoln requires reservations in advance. Reservations can be made by calling (330) 666-3711 ext. 1720 or by email at
halereservations@wrhs.org. Tickets are $45 for adults, $40 for WRHS members and $20 for children ages 3-12.

Hale Farm & Village, a living history museum of the Western Reserve Historical Society, is located on 90 acres with 32 historic structures, farm animals, heritage gardens, farming and early American craft and trade demonstrations. The location is open for a summer season June – August, Wednesday – Sunday and weekends only September and October. Visit www.halefarm.org or call (330) 666-3711 for seasonal hours, program listings, rental information, and turn-by-turn directions.

 Photo credit Hale Farm & Village

Press release submitted by:
Catherine I. Sterle | 
Director of Marketing & Sales
Hale Farm & Village
2686 Oak Hill Rd. Bath, Ohio 44210
P.O. Box 296
csterle@wrhs.org | 330.666.3711 x 1715
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