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Ohio Civil War and WWI &II Show


The 40th Annual Ohio Civil War And WWI & II Show will be held at the Richland County Fairgrounds, Mansfield, Ohio, on Saturday and Sunday, May 6th – May 7th  2016.  Show times are Saturday, 9-5 and Sunday, 9-3.  Admission is $7.00 ; children under 12 are admitted free when accompanied by an adult.  Parking is included in the cost of admission.

380 exhibitors, from 38 states will be participating in Ohio’s only Civil War And WWI & II Show.  The show features 750 tables of military memorabilia from 1775 through 1945 for buy, sell, trade and display making this the largest quality show of its kind in the country.  In addition, related items such as books, images, photographs, paper goods, Civil War prints and some women’s apparel will be available to the public and collectors.














In conjunction with the above, the 25th Annual Artillery Show will feature full-size cannons, limbers, cassion, Gatling guns and mortars.  This is the only Artillery Show of this kind in the country where persons can view field guns, equipment and displays that relate to America’s wars from 1775 through 1945.  As an added feature, people will have a rare opportunity to see cannon firing demonstrations: Saturday 11:30 and 2:00, Sunday 11:30 and 1:30.

This years show will feature a 1776 Revolutionary War Living History Encampment by the 8th Pennsylvania Regiment who will be performing drills, musket firing, colonial period camp cooking, and also showing and explaining various period military attire and other demonstrations. A look back into history.

Another feature of the show will be a Civil War Field Hospital Scenario with simulated limb amputations and medical practices of the Civil War.  Along with this, there will be a Living History Civil War Encampment depicting military life.

Other outdoor features include period music by harp/dulcimer, banjo/violins.  A Sutler’s Row, featuring 40 sutlers, will have available reproduction items and apparel for both the military and civilian re-enactors.

A Living History Encampment by the Army of Ohio will have their authentic camp open to the public and will be performing military drills, firing demonstrations and marches through the grounds daily at random times.














See WWII Encampments, weapons and vehicles. Experience how the soldiers lived and survived in their camps.

The Marlboro Volunteer Traveling Museum will offer a spectacular display of our history from Revolutionary War up to current times including military vehicles. You can talk with Veterans and living historians.

There will be an outdoor church service for re-enactors, exhibitors and public on Sunday at 10:00 a.m. at the flagpole.

President Abe Lincoln will be attending the show on both Saturday and Sunday. Be sure to hear his Gettysburg Address.

A repeat feature for this year will be random music performances both days by the Camp Chase Fife and Drum and the Civil War Band – A crowd pleaser!













A unique showing will be a full size Civil War Supply Wagon, completed by Battery D, 1st Ohio Light Artillery, Ashland, Ohio. This is the only known reproduction. Only one original has survived the thousands used from the Civil War, and is on display at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. This wagon can be considered the “Semi Trailer” of the 1860’s.

Visit our show website for more information  www.ohiocivilwarshow.com

Press release submitted by:
Teresa Drushel
Co-Manager Ohio Civil War Show