Advertising Packages

CLICK HERE to view current offerings.

CLICK HERE for advertising contract.


4 formats are available.  When submitting your content please let us know which format you would like.

CLICK HERE to view formats 

This special blast will be highlighting sponsored Ohio fall road trips.
The email will be sent first week of September.

Each sponsored listing can include:

•     An image, logo and guide.

•     Link to your website or a specific web page. Whichever you prefer.

•     Up to a 100-word description of your area or attraction. (4-5 sentences)

•     A highlighted road trip of your choice with a link to page within your website for more information.

 If you do not have a page, I will add it to our road trip page on My Ohio Fun, with links back to your website.

I will also be sharing your road trip/listing information via social media.

Deadline to participate: August 23, 2024

COST:  $60

Current sponsors: No charge. It is included with your 2024 sponsorship.
Non-sponsors may participate in this special Fall road trip e-news blasts for $60.


The My Ohio Fun Monthly event newsletter and Road Trip newsletter.

Month – Deadline
February – January 19, 2024
March – February 16, 2024
April – March 22, 2024
May – April 25, 2024
June – May 21, 2024
July – June 21, 2024
August – July 19, 2024
September – August 23, 2024
October – September 20, 2024
November – October 18, 2024
December – November 15, 2024